Signer Spotlight:
Scott Arogeti, Greater Atlanta

A special memory from the 2008 White House Menorah Lighting
I served as White House Liaison to the Jewish Community during President George W. Bush’s second term, including during 2008 when we celebrated 60 years of friendship between the United States and Israel during a Menorah Lighting ceremony at the White House.
We invited the grandsons of President Harry Truman and David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, to light the same menorah that was a gift from Prime Minister Ben Gurion to President Truman. I felt a great sense of pride being able to have played a role in creating (and in a way, re-creating) a moment of that magnitude.
Why he co-founded Mi Alma, a centralized support service for families experiencing loss.
We saw an opportunity to do more to support grievers. People currently receive a scattershot of support when a loved one passes away: email, texts, cards, letters, Facebook messages, speeches at a memorial service or shiva, and more. Mi Alma makes it easy for people to give money, food, time, or energy all through one platform. We all want to be helpful, both to families and friends grieving the loss and all of their supporters who wish to help in various ways. Mi Alma was built to create order among the chaos.
We also wanted to create a place for people to share their personal memories. You can find out your ancestry online, but it’s harder to learn your grandfather’s favorite foods to eat, sports, or impact he had on others’ lives. Mi Alma collects the essence and memories, as legacy-building goes far beyond the facts.