Signer Spotlight:

Rabbi Raphael Shore

Rabbi Raphael Shore is a rabbi, educator and award-winning film producer, passionate about the power of film to educate and inspire. He recently published a timely book – Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Jew? – along with a documentary film based on the book. Click here to view the trailer for his recent film, Tragic Awakening: A New Look at the Oldest Hatred.

Why did you sign the Jewish Future Promise?

It is my deep belief that the Jewish people have a very important role to play in this world. We’ve already accomplished a tremendous amount as a people, but our job is not finished. We are meant to help the world reach its purpose and get more meaning. The world has a way to go, and therefore the Jewish people have some important work to do.

What’s one way we can better engage younger generations of Jews?

It is critical to address, but antisemitism is not very inspiring to the next generation. We don’t spend enough time on our positive story; our raison d’être, our purpose of being. People want to be inspired by positive stories.

My main strategy is education. We need to teach our Jewish community who we are as Jews. We’ve seen the other side already – the less clear we are on who we are and what we’re all about, the easier it is to spend time fighting internally.

I started OpenDor Media for this very reason – to ensure Judaism’s beauty is not lost among the challenges our people face. My recent book – Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Jew?threads this needle by educating about antisemitism while also explaining why the Jewish people and our work is inspirational and meaningful.

Authentic Judaism is magnetic and relevant. When you go beyond the social and add an educational component to give people a deeper understanding of Judaism, then it gets super powerful for not just youth but everyone. That’s what we need more of. 

How do we combat antisemitic hate in 2025?

I prefer to look at antisemitism as a disease, and we are doctors. Doctors do everything to get to the root of the source – only when we understand where it’s coming from at the deepest source can we address and solve it. Like doctors, we must create a diagnosis.

And if we can’t solve it, let’s at least have the strength to survive it. In the words of the late Professor Robert Wistrich, we must develop our “spiritual inner armor” and maintain a moral self-confidence of who we are as Jews to withstand social pressures. Antisemitism’s worst damage is not the punches thrown, but that the Jewish people lose our moral self-confidence because we think something is wrong with us.

How should the Jewish world view Christians’ support for Jews and of Israel?

I have a significant amount of experience with Evangelical Christians who truly love the Jewish people, want to see us safe, and want to help us with our mission in the land of Israel.  The ones with a deeper understanding see that we are facing a global clash of civilizations that revolves around a fight for Judeo-Christian values in the United States and internationally.

While we must remain cautious, I’m a strong proponent of accepting the allyship of our Christian brethren at a time where we don’t have a lot of communities reaching out with love and friendship.


Rabbi Raphael Shore is a rabbi, educator and award-winning film producer. He is passionate about the power of film to educate and inspire and brings his talent and skills as a filmmaker along with his excellent leadership abilities to help lead OpenDor Media in forward-thinking strategies and vibrant development. Raphael’s films serve as pillars of OpenDor Media’s educational curriculum and drive impact to a broad audience via broadcast, streaming, and film festivals. His list of films can be seen here. When he’s not telling stories on film, Raphael can be found enjoying quality time with his family or out and about on his rollerblades.